
These quotes have been taken from Satsangs (discourses) given by our teacher Professor Ojaswi Sharma. He himself was never interested in writing anything but his students felt the need to preserve his wisdom. They taped his talks, transcribed them and sorted out into several Topics. Because the full discourses were very long, shorter passages were chosen on each Topic and presented here.


If you find the quotes inspiring and would like to read the full Satsangs please visit Universal Wisdom.


If you have any questions related to the philosophy you are welcome to contact us.

We are conditioned by our passions, desires, and motives. We are not free. When we are free there is freedom from everything including the desire to be free. What remains then? Only choice-less awareness remains, which is our true self, and self is of the nature of love, peace and happiness.


In our cleverness, we want God to do what we want, but not to punish us. This is not possible. It is one of the great good fortunes of human beings that not all their desires are fulfilled. If this were not the case, this already filthy world would become even filthier, because the desires of human beings know no limits.


The real bondage with all of us is desire, and this desire has to be eliminated and brought to an end. As long as desire is present, the process of life and death continues. When there is no desire one finds one's 'Oneness' with the supreme truth - the divine.


The root of anger and irritation is desire. The more a person is filled with desires, the more he is likely to have anger. It is very simple. A certain number of desires can be fulfilled but not all of them. Thus, when our desires are not fulfilled, we feel angry. The impressions of irritation or anger keep accumulating in our subconscious mind. The accumulation can eventually become so intense that the person begins to experience anger without even any cause.


The root cause of all evils is desire. Now, the question will be asked: "Is it possible in this world to remain alive without desires?" The answer that the saints give is that real life starts only when one learns to live without desires. The real life is a life without desires. Desire is the bondage.


My point is that one's mind is filled with endless desires, but one's real needs are few. One's needs will be fulfilled by Him who created us and gave us birth.


If we restrict our needs and reduce our desires as much as possible, irritation and anger will diminish and eventually disappear altogether.


We all want some sort of arrangement, some environment and circumstances conducive to a comfortable life; a fine house, a car, enough money, good people looking after us, good food prepared at the right time, people coming with respect to us, smiling and then washing our clothes, and asking us if we are all right. If there were such assurances from others, life would be very nice. It would be heaven. This world would become heaven, everybody taking care of you and you having no responsibility and no stress. These things are not going to happen. Sorry - never in anybody's life. My suggestion is that you should try to go beyond these dualities of liking and disliking, of good and bad. Then the problem will be solved permanently.


How does a person take birth is something very deep, and it is very difficult for you to understand this. When death happens, the residue of desires becomes the cause of the next birth. Some desires are fulfilled in one life, but some desires remain unfulfilled. The cause of birth is nothing but desires. As long as desires remain, one takes birth again and again for the realisation of those desires.


All desires are desires except one desire. The desire for self-realisation or for experiencing God is not a desire. It appears to be a desire, but it is not a desire. Why? Because when this desire is fulfilled, all desires die. All other desires are to do with something in the world, but this desire takes a person beyond the world to God. When this desire is fulfilled, there will be no desire at all, including this desire itself. This desire will also end. For example, you are walking in your garden, and you get a thorn in your foot. You get the thorn out with the help of another thorn, and then both the thorns are thrown away. If this desire is there, let it increase. Have this desire as much as you like!


It is never possible for a change to be always according to our desires, because the lives of different people are so often at variance; I become rich, somebody else becomes poor; I get promotion in my company or government service, somebody else loses his job. There is competition, and when there is competition there is bound to be frustration. Life is like that.


The mind works either in the past or in the future. It remembers past events or looks forward to the future with pleasurable anticipation. To be in the past is bondage. Desire for the future is also a bondage. Freedom, whenever it arises, exists here and now only.


What is this bondage after all? Bondage is nothing but the accumulation of impressions created inside by desire-oriented activity. Whenever any work is done with the intention of fulfilling a desire, then that activity leaves in us a memory or an impression. In the course of many lives, we have performed many desire-motivated actions, and we carry with us impressions of those actions. Desire-motivated activity creates bondage. Desire-less, or duty-motivated activity breaks that bondage.